Saturday, May 5, 2007

Here's The Story of a Lovely Lady

When our friend, Todd, saw our rental home he said it reminded him of The Brady Bunch house. It's pretty dated. It was dirty. I mean gross. The girl who lived here before us made homemade candies and sold them. Apparently she also slopped chocolate all over the floors, countertops, stove and refrigerator and didn't clean up after her nasty self as well. It was disgusting. The kitchen has these nasty green counter tops and, get this, metal tiles on one wall. They're brown and silver.

With a little sprucing up, the house is coming along. We haven't purchased a computer desk yet and as I type this, I am sitting on a Rubbermaid tote filled with dog food with the keyboard on my lap. The mouse is on a tv tray and the monitor is on an empty $8 filing cabinet. The dog's crate is directly behind me and my grandma Mabel's beloved La-Z-Boy recliner is to my left.

The other spare bedroom is crammed full of furniture and my treadmill. Brandon did hook up the plasma tv in there so I would have something to watch while walking/running. Thank you, Brandon!
The basement is straight out of Silence of the Lambs. I put carpet remnants on the floor because I didn't even want to put my dirty clothes on the floor. But let me tell you something this house does have: a laundry chute! I am loving this thing! SO VERY COOL! Also, another positive, the landlord put an all new bathroom in prior to our moving in and I'm very thankful for that!

Here are some pictures:

This is all of our stuff stacked in the basement

The scary basement

We have a really nice back yard though! Nice and flat...the other side of those trees though? I-77!
Here's the front view
The dining room
Notice that metal tile. Too funny!

Enough complaining. The big picture is this. We have a decent little house and believe you me, the rent is nice. We're building a new home and this will all be a distant memory soon enough! Until next time.......

1 comment:

Slaybell said...

Love the metal tile,, how funny is that.. but you are right, you have a nice "temporary" place to live and it wont be for long. I also like your choice of faucets..the shower one especially. Love your blog, keep it up,, Love, Aunt Becky