Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Well, it hasn't been without incident

We have had some minor (& major) things to work out, but overall we're doing well. A.C. (my 8 yr old Great Dane) is having a horrible time adjusting. I think he's starting to come around. He wouldn't go to the bathroom outside, he chose to do it the minute he came inside. And right before company was to show up. Also, Danes drool. A lot. You don't notice it so much on carpet, but you do on hard wood and it stains. It's disgusting. I have to use a Mr. Clean eraser on the floor and window sills to get the stains off. I also am having a good time 'Swiffering' the dog hair daily. It is not fun. I love my dog dearly though and wouldn't trade him for the world. It is what it is.

Last week our lights started dimming and then coming back on full. I called the electric co and they said it was inside the house. Something was draining the electricity. It was quickly determined it was the geothermal unit. They had to order parts (which aren't in yet) and we are currently running on 'emergency heat'. Then Saturday Brandon ran over our buried propane tank and all the propane shot out of the top of it. He's very very lucky he didn't blow himself or us and our house up. That was $900 worth of propane basically vanishing into thin air. But it could have been worse.

Other than that, things are great. That's all I have for now!

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